Connection Session Log Screen

This screen shows you information about all of the connections that were made to the server. By default it only shows the sessions for today but you can specify a larger date range for the display.
The connection log is held in an SQLite database that Virtual Radar Server maintains in its configuration folder. It is only updated periodically so the values shown here may be a few seconds out of date.
This column shows the local date and time that the browser first connected to the server.
IP Address
This column shows the network address of the computer that the browser was running on.
This column shows whether the browser was connecting from the local network or from the Internet.
This column shows the time that elapsed between the first and last browser request in the session.
This column shows how many requests for files were made by the browser. The browser will make separate requests for each web page, aircraft marker image, operator flag image and so on.
Bytes sent
This column shows the total number of bytes sent to the browser in response to requests, excluding any overhead added by the HTTP protocol (e.g. it does not include the size of the HTTP headers).
This column shows the total number of bytes sent in response to requests for web pages and javascript source files. These are usually sent once when a browser first connects to a web page.
This column shows the total number of bytes sent in response to requests for JSON files. JSON files are used to send aircraft lists and report rows to the browser, they represent the data that is being refreshed while the browser is viewing the site.
This column shows the total number of bytes sent in response to requests for aircraft images, operator logo images, silhouettes, aircraft markers and so on. It covers all JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP files sent by the browser.
This column shows the total number of bytes sent in response to requests for audio files.
This column shows the total number of bytes sent in response to requests for files that are not covered by the other columns. These are typically small files such as the favicon.