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IWebServer Events

The IWebServer type exposes the following members.

Public eventAfterRequestReceived
Raised on a background thread when the web server receives a request from a browser. Called after RequestReceived is raised.
Public eventAuthenticationRequired
Raised when the AuthenticationScheme is not 'None' and the browser has supplied credentials that need testing.
Public eventBeforeRequestReceived
Raised on a background thread when the web server receives a request from a browser. Called before RequestReceived is raised.
Public eventExceptionCaught
Raised when an exception is caught on the background thread. The background thread should not pass ThreadAbortException through this.
(Inherited from IBackgroundThreadExceptionCatcher.)
Public eventExternalAddressChanged
Raised when the ExternalAddress property changes.
Public eventOnlineChanged
Raised when the Online property changes state.
Public eventRequestFinished
Raised after a response has been sent and the request completely closed down. The parameter is the UniqueId of the ResponseSentEventArgs original created for the request.
Public eventRequestReceived
Raised on a background thread when the web server receives a request from a browser.
Public eventResponseSent
Raised on a background thread when the web server responds to a request.
See Also