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AircraftJson Properties

The AircraftJson type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAirPressureInHg
Gets or sets the aircraft's air pressure setting in inches of mercury.
Public propertyAltitude
Gets or sets the aircraft's pressure altitude in feet.
Public propertyAltitudeType
Gets or sets the type of altitude transmitted by the aircraft.
Public propertyBearingFromHere
Gets or sets the bearing from the browser to the aircraft in degrees from 0° north.
Public propertyCallsign
Gets or sets the aircraft's callsign.
Public propertyCallsignIsSuspect
Gets or sets a value indicating that the Callsign came from an unreliable source.
Public propertyConstructionNumber
Gets or sets the construction / serial number of the aircraft.
Public propertyCountMessagesReceived
Gets or sets the number of messages received for the aircraft.
Public propertyDestination
Gets or sets the airport that the aircraft is travelling to.
Public propertyDistanceFromHere
Gets or sets the distance from the browser's location to the aircraft in kilometres.
Public propertyEmergency
Gets or sets a flag indicating that the aircraft is transmitting a mayday squawk.
Public propertyEnginePlacement
Gets or sets a value indicating the placement of the engines mounted to the aircraft (see EnginePlacement).
Public propertyEngineType
Gets or sets a value indicating the type of engines that the aircraft uses (see EngineType).
Public propertyFirstSeen
Gets or sets the date and time (UTC) that a transmission from the aircraft was first received by the server.
Public propertyFlightsCount
Gets or sets a value indicating how many flights this aircraft has logged in the BaseStation database.
Public propertyFullCoordinates
Gets or sets a list of coordinates representing the full trail for the aircraft. If ResetTrail is true then it is the entire trail, otherwise it extends the existing trail.
Public propertyGeometricAltitude
Gets or sets the aircraft's geometric altitude in feet.
Public propertyGroundSpeed
Gets or sets the ground speed of the aircraft in knots.
Public propertyHasPicture
Gets or sets a value indicating that the server can supply a picture of the aircraft.
Public propertyHasSignalLevel
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the receiver emitted a signal level for the aircraft.
Public propertyIcao24
Gets or sets the 24-bit Mode-S identifier of the aircraft.
Public propertyIcao24Country
Gets or sets the country that the aircraft's Icao24 was allocated to.
Public propertyIcao24Invalid
Gets or sets a value indicating that the Icao24 code is wrong - either it is an unallocated code or the aircraft is known to be transmitting the wrong code.
Public propertyIsInteresting
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft is flagged as interesting in the BaseStation database.
Public propertyIsMilitary
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft is operated by a country's military.
Public propertyIsSatcomFeed
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft was seen on a SatCom feed.
Public propertyIsTisb
Gets or sets a value indicating that the last message received for this aircraft was from a TIS-B source.
Public propertyLatitude
Gets or sets the latitude of the aircraft.
Public propertyLongitude
Gets or sets the aircraft's longitude.
Public propertyManufacturer
Gets or sets the manufacturer's name.
Public propertyModel
Gets or sets the English description of the aircraft model. Usually includes the manufacturer.
Public propertyNumberOfEngines
Gets or sets the number of engines that the aircraft has - note that this is a copy of the ICAO8643 engine count which is not always a number!
Public propertyOnGround
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft is on the ground.
Public propertyOperator
Gets or sets the operator's name.
Public propertyOperatorIcao
Gets or sets the operator's ICAO code.
Public propertyOrigin
Gets or sets the airport that the aircraft set out from.
Public propertyPictureHeight
Gets or sets the height of the aircraft picture in pixels.
Public propertyPictureWidth
Gets or sets the width of the aircraft picture in pixels.
Public propertyPositionIsMlat
Gets or sets a value indicating that the Latitude and Longitude were calculated by an MLAT source.
Public propertyPositionIsStale
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the position is older than the display timeout.
Public propertyPositionTime
Gets or sets the time that the Latitude and Longitude were transmitted as a number of .NET ticks.
Public propertyReceiverId
Gets or sets the ID of the receiver that is currently tracking the aircraft.
Public propertyRegistration
Gets or sets the aircraft's registration.
Public propertyResetTrail
Gets or sets a value indicating that the server wants all trails for the aircraft to be reset.
Public propertySecondsTracked
Gets or sets the number of seconds that the aircraft has been tracked for.
Public propertyShortCoordinates
Gets or sets a list of coordinates representing the short trail for the aircraft. If ResetTrail is true then it is the entire trail, otherwise it extends the existing trail.
Public propertySignalLevel
Gets or sets the signal level of the last message received for the aircraft. Use in conjunction with HasSignalLevel.
Public propertySpecies
Gets or sets a value indicating the species of aircraft (see Species).
Public propertySpeedType
Gets or sets a value indicating the type of speed the aircraft is transmitting.
Public propertySquawk
Gets or sets the squawk currently transmitted by the aircraft.
Public propertyStopovers
Gets or sets a list of airports that the aircraft will be stopping at on its way to Destination.
Public propertyTargetAltitude
Gets or sets the altitude set on the autopilot / FMS etc.
Public propertyTargetTrack
Gets or sets the heading on the aircraft's autopilot or FMS.
Public propertyTrack
Gets or sets the heading that the aircraft is tracking across the ground in degrees from 0° north.
Public propertyTrackIsHeading
Gets or sets a value indicating that the track is the aircraft's heading, not its ground track.
Public propertyTrailType
Gets or sets the trail type. It is empty for plain trails (just position), 'a' for trails that have altitude attached and 's' for trails with speeds attached.
Public propertyTransponderType
Gets or sets the transponder type.
Public propertyType
Gets or sets the ICAO8643 type code of the aircraft.
Public propertyUniqueId
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the aircraft.
Public propertyUserTag
Gets or sets the user tag from the aircraft's database record.
Public propertyVerticalRate
Gets or sets the vertical speed in feet per second.
Public propertyVerticalRateType
Gets or sets the type of altitude reported in VerticalRate.
Public propertyWakeTurbulenceCategory
Gets or sets a value indicating the wake turbulence category of the aircraft (see WakeTurbulenceCategory).
Public propertyYearBuilt
Gets or sets the year the aircraft was manufactured.
See Also