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MasterListToSubsetBinderTSubsetModel, TMasterModel, TListModel, TIdentifier Fields

The MasterListToSubsetBinderTSubsetModel, TMasterModel, TListModel, TIdentifier generic type exposes the following members.

Protected field_BaseFetchColumns
The base method to fetch columns. We chain onto this.
Protected field_CheckedChangedHandler
Protected method that is handles changing the checked state for an item.
(Inherited from MasterListToListBinderTModel, TListModel.)
Protected field_FetchColumns
Protected method that fetches the content of the list, split into columns.
(Inherited from MasterListToListBinderTModel, TListModel.)
Protected field_UpdatesLocked
True if changes are not to be copied between the control and the model.
(Inherited from ControlBinder.)
See Also