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IAircraftUpdateCoordinates Method
Updates the FullCoordinates and ShortCoordinates lists using the current values on the aircraft.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
void UpdateCoordinates(
	DateTime utcNow,
	int shortCoordinateSeconds


Type: SystemDateTime
The UTC time at which the message was processed.
Type: SystemInt32
The number of seconds of short coordinates that are to be maintained. This normally comes from configurations - I don't want to have every aircraft in a 500 aircraft system called when configurations are changed so the responsibility for passing the correct value is shifted to higher up the chain.
This is not entirely straight-forward - duplicate points are not written to the lists, the short list has to be kept to a configured number of seconds and intermediate coordinates between two points in the full list are expunged. Further updates less than a second after the last coordinate in the lists are dropped. This is all done in an effort to keep the lists down to a reasonable length.
See Also