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RequestReceivedEventArgsHelper Class
A static class that helps with setting up RequestReceivedEventArgs objects for different conditions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Test.Framework
Assembly: Test.Framework (in Test.Framework.dll) Version: (
public static class RequestReceivedEventArgsHelper

The RequestReceivedEventArgsHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreate
Creates a RequestReceivedEventArgs, attaches the mock request and response objects passed across and sets a few key properties.
Public methodStatic memberSetAndroidUserAgent
Sets a mock IRequest object up with a user agent string from an Android mobile.
Public methodStatic memberSetIPadUserAgent
Sets a mock IRequest object up with a user agent string from an iPad.
Public methodStatic memberSetIPhoneUserAgent
Sets a mock IRequest object up with a user agent string from an iPhone.
Public methodStatic memberSetIPodUserAgent
Sets a mock IRequest object up with a user agent string from an iPod.
See Also