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VirtualRadar.Interface.Adsb Namespace
The namespace for all of the interfaces and objects associated with decoding raw ADS-B messages.
Public classAdsbMessage
Describes the content of an ADS-B message as decoded from the ME field of a DF17 / DF18 CF0,1,6 / DF19 AF0 message.
Public classAirbornePositionMessage
Describes the content of an ADS-B airborne position message.
Public classAirborneVelocityMessage
Gets or sets the content of an airborne velocity ADS-B message.
Public classAircraftOperationalStatusMessage
A class that describes the content of ADS-B Aircraft Operational Status messages.
Public classAircraftStatusMessage
A class describing the content of the ADS-B aircraft status message.
Public classCoarseTisbAirbornePosition
Describes the content of a TIS-B coarse airborne position message.
Public classCompactPositionReportingCoordinate
Describes a Compact Position Reporting coordinate.
Public classEmergencyStatus
A class that carries information from an aircraft emergency / priority status message.
Public classGlobalCoordinate
A class describing a coordinate on the surface of the Earth.
Public classIdentifierAndCategoryMessage
Gets or sets the content of an identifier and category message.
Public classSurfacePositionMessage
A class describing the content of a surface position message.
Public classTargetStateAndStatusMessage
A class that holds the content of the Target State and Status messages.
Public classTargetStateAndStatusVersion1
Describes the content of an ADS-B version 1 Target State and Status message.
Public classTargetStateAndStatusVersion2
A class carrying the content of an ADS-B version 2 target state and status message.
Public classTcasResolutionAdvisory
A class describing the content of an aircraft status message carrying a TCAS RA broadcast.
Public classVectorVelocity
The speed and bearing of a vehicle specified as two velocities along the X and Y axis.
Public interfaceIAdsbTranslator
The interface that objects that can translate ME message blocks into ADS-B messages must implement.
Public interfaceICompactPositionReporting
The interface for classes that can encode and decode Compact Position Reporting coordinates.
Public enumerationAirborneCapabilityVersion0
An enumeration of the airborne capability flags for version 0 ADS-B aircraft operational status messages.
Public enumerationAirborneCapabilityVersion1
An enumeration of the different airborne capability flags for version 1 ADS-B aircraft operational status messages.
Public enumerationAirborneCapabilityVersion2
An enumeration of the aircraft capability flags transmitted in version 2 ADS-B aircraft operational status messages.
Public enumerationAircraftOperationalStatusType
An enumeration of the different types of aircraft operational status messages.
Public enumerationAircraftStatusType
An enumeration of the various aircraft status types in aircraft status messages.
Public enumerationEmergencyState
An enumeration of the different emergency states transmitted in aircraft status and ADS-B version 1 target state and status messages.
Public enumerationEmitterCategory
An enumeration of the different ADS-B Emitter Categories transmitted across all category sets.
Public enumerationHorizontalDataSource
An enumeration of the different sources of horizontal data for ADS-B version 1 target state and status messages.
Public enumerationHorizontalModeIndicator
An enumeration of the different values of HMI that can be transmitted in ADS-B version 1 target state and status messages.
Public enumerationMessageFormat
An enumeration of the different ADS-B message formats.
Public enumerationMultipleThreatResolutionAdvisory
An enumeration of flags that indicate the meaning of a TCAS resolution advisory when there are multiple threats and the resolution advisory provides separation below some threats and above other threats.
Public enumerationOperationalMode
An enumeration of the operational modes transmitted in version 1 and version 2 ADS-B aircraft operational status messages.
Public enumerationResolutionAdvisoryComplement
An enumeration of flags recording resolution advisory complements that have been received from other aircraft.
Public enumerationSingleThreatResolutionAdvisory
An enumeration of flags that indicate the meaning of a TCAS resolution advisory when there is a single threat or the resolution advisory is intended to provide separation in the same direction for all threats.
Public enumerationSurfaceCapability
An enumeration of the surface capability codes transmitted in version 1 and 2 ADS-B aircraft operational status messages.
Public enumerationSurveillanceStatus
An enumeration of the different possible surveillance status values in an ADS-B message.
Public enumerationSystemDesignAssurance
An enumeration of the different System Design Assurance values extracted from operational message fields of version 2 ADS-B messages.
Public enumerationTargetAltitudeCapability
An enumeration of the different target altitude capability values for ADS-B version 1 target state and status messages.
Public enumerationTargetStateAndStatusType
An enumeration of the different types of target state and status messages.
Public enumerationTcasCapabilityMode
An enumeration of the different operational status indicators for TCAS/ACAS systems as transmitted in the ADS-B version 1 target state and status message.
Public enumerationVelocityType
An enumeration of the different types of velocity message encodings in an ADS-B velocity message.
Public enumerationVerticalDataSource
An enumeration of the different sources of vertical data in ADS-B version 1 target state and status messages.
Public enumerationVerticalModeIndicator
An enumeration of the different values of VMI that can be transmitted in ADS-B version 1 target state and status messages.