| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 |
No field defined.
| BaseStationAddress | 1 |
The IP address of an instance of BaseStation.
| BaseStationPort | 2 |
The port number of an instance of BaseStation.
| BaseStationDatabase | 3 |
The full path to a database file that conforms with the de-facto standard for aircraft information as used by Kinetic.
| Enabled | 4 |
A value indicating whether something has been enabled or not.
| EndDate | 5 |
End date.
| FlagsFolder | 6 |
The full path to the folder containing operator flag images.
| InitialGoogleMapRefreshSeconds | 7 |
The initial number of seconds between refreshes of the Google Map aircraft list.
| MinimumGoogleMapRefreshSeconds | 8 |
The minimum number of seconds between refreshes of the Google Map aircraft list.
| PicturesFolder | 9 |
The full path to the folder containing pictures of aircraft.
| SilhouettesFolder | 10 |
The full path to the folder containing silhouette images of aircraft.
| WebUserName | 11 |
The name of the user that browser must send when authenticating.
| Location | 12 |
The location of a receiver.
| Latitude | 13 |
The latitude portion of a location.
| Longitude | 14 |
The longitude portion of a location.
| RebroadcastServerPort | 15 |
The port number for a rebroadcast server.
| ReceiverRange | 16 |
The distance in kilometres over which a receiver can pick up messages.
| AirborneGlobalPositionLimit | 17 |
The time that can elapse between odd/even format CPR messages for global airborne position decoding.
| FastSurfaceGlobalPositionLimit | 18 |
The time that can elapse between odd/even format CPR messages for global fast surface vehicle position decoding.
| SlowSurfaceGlobalPositionLimit | 19 |
The time that can elapse between odd/even format CPR messages for global slow surface vehicle position decoding.
| AcceptableAirborneLocalPositionSpeed | 20 |
The highest speed in km/30 seconds allowable in the local decoding sanity check for airborne aircraft.
| AcceptableTransitionLocalPositionSpeed | 21 |
The highest speed in km/30 seconds allowable in the local decoding sanity check for aircraft taking off or landing.
| AcceptableSurfaceLocalPositionSpeed | 22 |
The highest speed in km/30 seconds allowable in the local decoding sanity check for surface vehicles.
| UPnpPortNumber | 23 |
The port number that UPnP will assign to VRS.
| InternetUserIdleTimeout | 24 |
The number of idle minutes allowed to an Internet user before the site times out.
| GoogleMapZoomLevel | 25 |
The initial zoom level for a Google map.
| CheckForNewVersions | 26 |
The number of days between version checks.
| DisplayTimeout | 27 |
The number of seconds after loss of signal before the aircraft is removed from the map.
| TrackingTimeout | 28 |
The number of seconds after loss of signal before the aircraft is removed from the aircraft list.
| SatcomDisplayTimeout | 29 |
The number of seconds after loss of signal before a satellite feed aircraft is removed from the map.
| SatcomTrackingTimeout | 30 |
The number of seconds after loss of signal before a satellite feed aircraft is removed from the aircraft list.
| ShortTrailLength | 31 |
The number of seconds a short trail lasts for.
| TextToSpeechSpeed | 32 |
The speed at which text converted to speech is read out.
| ComPort | 33 |
The COM port that a serial device is connected to.
| BaudRate | 34 |
The baud rate used on a COM port.
| DataBits | 35 |
The data bits used on a COM port.
| Name | 36 |
A name or description.
| Format | 37 |
A format.
| AcceptIcaoInNonPICount | 38 |
A count of Mode-S messages that do not carry PI.
| AcceptIcaoInNonPISeconds | 39 |
A number of seconds of Mode-S messages that do not carry PI.
| AcceptIcaoInPI0Count | 40 |
A count of Mode-S messages that carry PI.
| AcceptIcaoInPI0Seconds | 41 |
A number of seconds of Mode-S messages that carry PI.
| SiteRootFolder | 42 |
The root folder of the site to serve.
| ResourceImagesFolder | 43 |
The folder that contains copies or alternate versions of the resource images.
| PathAndFile | 44 |
A path and file to a page.
| RebroadcastReceiver | 45 |
The receiver used by a rebroadcast server.
| WebSiteReceiver | 46 |
The receiver shown via the web site.
| ClosestAircraftReceiver | 47 |
The receiver that the Closest Aircraft desktop widget will use.
| FlightSimulatorXReceiver | 48 |
The receiver that drives some FSX features.
| IcaoTimeout | 49 |
The period of time that can elapse before a receiver is no longer considered to be the main source of messages for an ICAO.
| ReceiverIds | 50 |
A collection of receivers.
| StaleSeconds | 51 |
The duration before a message is discarded from a rebroadcast server buffer.
| LoginName | 52 |
The login name for a user account.
| Password | 53 |
The password for a user account.
| IdleTimeout | 54 |
The idle timeout.
| UseKeepAlive | 55 |
Whether to use keep-alive packets on a connection.
| IsTransmitter | 56 |
Indicates whether a rebroadcast server is in transmit mode.
| IsPassive | 57 |
Indicates whether a receiver is in passive mode,
| AutoSavePolarPlots | 58 |
The auto-save polar plots field.
| ExportedSettings | 59 |
The field that accepts exported settings from the web site.
| SendInterval | 60 |
The interval between sends.
| AllowCorsDomains | 61 | |