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ValidationField Enumeration
An enumeration of fields that are subject to validation.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.View
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public enum ValidationField
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No field defined.
BaseStationAddress1 The IP address of an instance of BaseStation.
BaseStationPort2 The port number of an instance of BaseStation.
BaseStationDatabase3 The full path to a database file that conforms with the de-facto standard for aircraft information as used by Kinetic.
Enabled4 A value indicating whether something has been enabled or not.
EndDate5 End date.
FlagsFolder6 The full path to the folder containing operator flag images.
InitialGoogleMapRefreshSeconds7 The initial number of seconds between refreshes of the Google Map aircraft list.
MinimumGoogleMapRefreshSeconds8 The minimum number of seconds between refreshes of the Google Map aircraft list.
PicturesFolder9 The full path to the folder containing pictures of aircraft.
SilhouettesFolder10 The full path to the folder containing silhouette images of aircraft.
WebUserName11 The name of the user that browser must send when authenticating.
Location12 The location of a receiver.
Latitude13 The latitude portion of a location.
Longitude14 The longitude portion of a location.
RebroadcastServerPort15 The port number for a rebroadcast server.
ReceiverRange16 The distance in kilometres over which a receiver can pick up messages.
AirborneGlobalPositionLimit17 The time that can elapse between odd/even format CPR messages for global airborne position decoding.
FastSurfaceGlobalPositionLimit18 The time that can elapse between odd/even format CPR messages for global fast surface vehicle position decoding.
SlowSurfaceGlobalPositionLimit19 The time that can elapse between odd/even format CPR messages for global slow surface vehicle position decoding.
AcceptableAirborneLocalPositionSpeed20 The highest speed in km/30 seconds allowable in the local decoding sanity check for airborne aircraft.
AcceptableTransitionLocalPositionSpeed21 The highest speed in km/30 seconds allowable in the local decoding sanity check for aircraft taking off or landing.
AcceptableSurfaceLocalPositionSpeed22 The highest speed in km/30 seconds allowable in the local decoding sanity check for surface vehicles.
UPnpPortNumber23 The port number that UPnP will assign to VRS.
InternetUserIdleTimeout24 The number of idle minutes allowed to an Internet user before the site times out.
GoogleMapZoomLevel25 The initial zoom level for a Google map.
CheckForNewVersions26 The number of days between version checks.
DisplayTimeout27 The number of seconds after loss of signal before the aircraft is removed from the map.
TrackingTimeout28 The number of seconds after loss of signal before the aircraft is removed from the aircraft list.
SatcomDisplayTimeout29 The number of seconds after loss of signal before a satellite feed aircraft is removed from the map.
SatcomTrackingTimeout30 The number of seconds after loss of signal before a satellite feed aircraft is removed from the aircraft list.
ShortTrailLength31 The number of seconds a short trail lasts for.
TextToSpeechSpeed32 The speed at which text converted to speech is read out.
ComPort33 The COM port that a serial device is connected to.
BaudRate34 The baud rate used on a COM port.
DataBits35 The data bits used on a COM port.
Name36 A name or description.
Format37 A format.
AcceptIcaoInNonPICount38 A count of Mode-S messages that do not carry PI.
AcceptIcaoInNonPISeconds39 A number of seconds of Mode-S messages that do not carry PI.
AcceptIcaoInPI0Count40 A count of Mode-S messages that carry PI.
AcceptIcaoInPI0Seconds41 A number of seconds of Mode-S messages that carry PI.
SiteRootFolder42 The root folder of the site to serve.
ResourceImagesFolder43 The folder that contains copies or alternate versions of the resource images.
PathAndFile44 A path and file to a page.
RebroadcastReceiver45 The receiver used by a rebroadcast server.
WebSiteReceiver46 The receiver shown via the web site.
ClosestAircraftReceiver47 The receiver that the Closest Aircraft desktop widget will use.
FlightSimulatorXReceiver48 The receiver that drives some FSX features.
IcaoTimeout49 The period of time that can elapse before a receiver is no longer considered to be the main source of messages for an ICAO.
ReceiverIds50 A collection of receivers.
StaleSeconds51 The duration before a message is discarded from a rebroadcast server buffer.
LoginName52 The login name for a user account.
Password53 The password for a user account.
IdleTimeout54 The idle timeout.
UseKeepAlive55 Whether to use keep-alive packets on a connection.
IsTransmitter56 Indicates whether a rebroadcast server is in transmit mode.
IsPassive57 Indicates whether a receiver is in passive mode,
AutoSavePolarPlots58 The auto-save polar plots field.
ExportedSettings59 The field that accepts exported settings from the web site.
SendInterval60 The interval between sends.
See Also