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IPlugin Properties

The IPlugin type exposes the following members.

Public propertyHasOptions
Gets a value indicating that the plugin has user-configurable settings.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique identifier of the plugin.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the plugin. This is only shown to the user, it is otherwise unused by Virtual Radar Server.
Public propertyPluginFolder
Gets or sets the folder that the plugin has been installed into.
Public propertyStatus
Gets a short string describing the state of the plugin (e.g. Disabled, Enabled, Writing to XYZ etc.).
Public propertyStatusDescription
Gets a longer string giving more information on Status. If no description is appropriate, i.e. Status already says everything you want to say, then return an empty string or null.
Public propertyVersion
Gets the version number of the plugin. This is only shown to the user, it is otherwise unused by Virtual Radar Server.
See Also