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MasterListToListBinderTModel, TListModelGetSortValue Property
Gets or sets a delegate that returns a comparable value from the list model for a single column.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.WinForms.PortableBinding
Assembly: VirtualRadar.WinForms (in VirtualRadar.WinForms.dll) Version: (
public Func<TListModel, ColumnHeader, IComparable, IComparable> GetSortValue { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: FuncTListModel, ColumnHeader, IComparable, IComparable
The parameters are list model, followed by the header for the column that we're sorting on, followed by the default value for the list model (usually the result of ToString). The method should return a comparable. If it doesn't have any special interest in the column then return the comparable that was passed in.
See Also