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IStatistics Interface
A class that records various statistics.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IStatistics

The IStatistics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdsbAircraftTracked
Gets or sets the count of aircraft transmitting ADS-B messages that are being tracked;
Public propertyAdsbCount
Gets or sets the count of ADS-B messages decoded.
Public propertyAdsbMessageFormatCount
Gets an array, indexable by (int)MessageFormat, recording the count of each ADS-B message format received.
Public propertyAdsbPositionsExceededSpeedCheck
Gets or sets the count of positions that were rejected because the vehicle would have to have been travelling unrealistically quickly to reach the position.
Public propertyAdsbPositionsOutsideRange
Gets or sets the count of positions that were rejected because they lay outside the range of the receiver.
Public propertyAdsbPositionsReset
Gets or sets the count of position resets that have taken place because position fixes for aircraft failed a reasonableness test.
Public propertyAdsbRejected
Gets or sets the count of ADS-B messages that were rejected because of bad parity.
Public propertyAdsbTypeCount
Gets an array, indexable by (int)AdsbMessage.Type, recording the count of each ADS-B message type received.
Public propertyBaseStationBadFormatMessagesReceived
Gets or sets a count of badly formatted BaseStation messages received.
Public propertyBaseStationMessagesReceived
Gets or sets a count of BaseStation format messages received.
Public propertyBytesReceived
Gets or sets the number of bytes received by the listener.
Public propertyConnectionTimeUtc
Gets or sets the date and time at UTC when the connection to the listener was first established.
Public propertyCurrentBufferSize
Gets or sets the size in bytes of the receiver buffers maintained by the listener, either directly or indirectly.
Public propertyFailedChecksumMessages
Gets or sets the number of messages that had a bad checksum.
Public propertyModeSDFCount
Gets an array, indexable by (int)DownlinkFormat, recording the count of each Mode-S message type received.
Public propertyModeSLongFrameMessagesReceived
Gets or sets the number of long-frame Mode-S messages seen on the data feed.
Public propertyModeSMessagesReceived
Gets or sets the number of Mode-S messages received from a source of Mode-S data.
Public propertyModeSNotAdsbCount
Gets or sets the count of Mode-S messages that were not carrying an ADS-B payload.
Public propertyModeSShortFrameMessagesReceived
Gets or sets the number of short-frame Mode-S messages seen on the data feed.
Public propertyModeSShortFrameWithoutLongFrameMessagesReceived
Gets or sets the number of short-frame Mode-S messages that were discarded because no prior long-frame message had been received.
Public propertyModeSWithBadParityPIField
Gets or sets the number of Mode-S messages with a PI field that was not zero.
Public propertyModeSWithPIField
Gets or sets the count of Mode-S messages with a PI field.
Public methodInitialise
Prepares the statistics for first use.
Public methodLock
Public methodResetConnectionStatistics
Resets connection statistics.
Public methodResetMessageCounters
Resets all counters associated with listening to a source of messages. Does not reset connection statistics.
See Also