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Images Class
A static class that exposes all of the images in the common resources.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Resources
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Resources (in VirtualRadar.Resources.dll) Version: (
public static class Images

The Images type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAdd16x16
Gets or sets the Add16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberAdd16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Add16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberAdd16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberApplicationIcon
Gets or sets the ApplicationIcon image.
Public propertyStatic memberApplicationIcon_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the ApplicationIcon image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberApplicationIcon_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberArrowBack16x16
Gets or sets the ArrowBack16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberArrowBack16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the ArrowBack16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberArrowBack16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberArrowForward16x16
Gets or sets the ArrowForward16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberArrowForward16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the ArrowForward16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberArrowForward16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberBlueBall
Gets or sets the BlueBall image.
Public propertyStatic memberBlueBall_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the BlueBall image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberBlueBall_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCancel16x16
Gets or sets the Cancel16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberCancel16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Cancel16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCancel16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCancelSmall16x16
Gets or sets the CancelSmall16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberCancelSmall16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the CancelSmall16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCancelSmall16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberChevronBlueCircle
Gets or sets the ChevronBlueCircle image.
Public propertyStatic memberChevronBlueCircle_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the ChevronBlueCircle image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberChevronBlueCircle_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberChevronGreenCircle
Gets or sets the ChevronGreenCircle image.
Public propertyStatic memberChevronGreenCircle_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the ChevronGreenCircle image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberChevronGreenCircle_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberChevronRedCircle
Gets or sets the ChevronRedCircle image.
Public propertyStatic memberChevronRedCircle_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the ChevronRedCircle image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberChevronRedCircle_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCloseSlider
Gets or sets the CloseSlider image.
Public propertyStatic memberCloseSlider_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the CloseSlider image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCloseSlider_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCollapse
Gets or sets the Collapse image.
Public propertyStatic memberCollapse_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Collapse image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCollapse_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCompass
Gets or sets the Compass image.
Public propertyStatic memberCompass_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Compass image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCompass_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_BottomLeft
Gets or sets the Corner_BottomLeft image.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_BottomLeft_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Corner_BottomLeft image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_BottomLeft_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_BottomRight
Gets or sets the Corner_BottomRight image.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_BottomRight_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Corner_BottomRight image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_BottomRight_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_TopLeft
Gets or sets the Corner_TopLeft image.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_TopLeft_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Corner_TopLeft image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_TopLeft_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_TopRight
Gets or sets the Corner_TopRight image.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_TopRight_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Corner_TopRight image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCorner_TopRight_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberCrosshair
Gets or sets the Crosshair image.
Public propertyStatic memberCrosshair_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Crosshair image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberCrosshair_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberDecoding16x16
Gets or sets the Decoding16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberDecoding16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Decoding16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberDecoding16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberEdit16x16
Gets or sets the Edit16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberEdit16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Edit16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberEdit16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberExpand
Gets or sets the Expand image.
Public propertyStatic memberExpand_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Expand image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberExpand_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberFavicon
Gets or sets the Favicon image.
Public propertyStatic memberFavicon_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Favicon image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberFavicon_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberFollowMe
Gets or sets the FollowMe image.
Public propertyStatic memberFollowMe_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the FollowMe image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberFollowMe_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberGear16x16
Gets or sets the Gear16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberGear16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Gear16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberGear16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberGotoCurrentLocation
Gets or sets the GotoCurrentLocation image.
Public propertyStatic memberGotoCurrentLocation_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the GotoCurrentLocation image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberGotoCurrentLocation_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberHelpAbout
Gets or sets the HelpAbout image.
Public propertyStatic memberHelpAbout_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the HelpAbout image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberHelpAbout_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberHideList
Gets or sets the HideList image.
Public propertyStatic memberHideList_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the HideList image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberHideList_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPadSplash
Gets or sets the IPadSplash image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPadSplash_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPadSplash image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPadSplash_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneBackButton
Gets or sets the IPhoneBackButton image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneBackButton_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneBackButton image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneBackButton_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneBlueButton
Gets or sets the IPhoneBlueButton image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneBlueButton_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneBlueButton image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneBlueButton_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneChevron
Gets or sets the IPhoneChevron image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneChevron_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneChevron image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneChevron_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneGrayButton
Gets or sets the IPhoneGrayButton image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneGrayButton_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneGrayButton image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneGrayButton_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneIcon
Gets or sets the IPhoneIcon image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneIcon_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneIcon image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneIcon_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneListGroup
Gets or sets the IPhoneListGroup image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneListGroup_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneListGroup image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneListGroup_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneOnOff
Gets or sets the IPhoneOnOff image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneOnOff_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneOnOff image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneOnOff_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhonePinstripes
Gets or sets the IPhonePinstripes image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhonePinstripes_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhonePinstripes image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhonePinstripes_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneSelectedTick
Gets or sets the IPhoneSelectedTick image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneSelectedTick_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneSelectedTick image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneSelectedTick_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneSelection
Gets or sets the IPhoneSelection image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneSelection_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneSelection image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneSelection_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneSplash
Gets or sets the IPhoneSplash image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneSplash_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneSplash image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneSplash_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneToolbar
Gets or sets the IPhoneToolbar image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneToolbar_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneToolbar image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneToolbar_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneToolButton
Gets or sets the IPhoneToolButton image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneToolButton_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneToolButton image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneToolButton_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneWhiteButton
Gets or sets the IPhoneWhiteButton image.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneWhiteButton_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the IPhoneWhiteButton image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberIPhoneWhiteButton_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberLocation16x16
Gets or sets the Location16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberLocation16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Location16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberLocation16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberLogo128x128
Gets or sets the Logo128x128 image.
Public propertyStatic memberLogo128x128_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Logo128x128 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberLogo128x128_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberMarker_Airplane
Gets or sets the Marker_Airplane image.
Public propertyStatic memberMarker_Airplane_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Marker_Airplane image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberMarker_Airplane_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberMarker_AirplaneSelected
Gets or sets the Marker_AirplaneSelected image.
Public propertyStatic memberMarker_AirplaneSelected_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Marker_AirplaneSelected image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberMarker_AirplaneSelected_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberMergedFeed16x16
Gets or sets the MergedFeed16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberMergedFeed16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the MergedFeed16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberMergedFeed16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberMovingMapChecked
Gets or sets the MovingMapChecked image.
Public propertyStatic memberMovingMapChecked_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the MovingMapChecked image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberMovingMapChecked_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberMovingMapUnchecked
Gets or sets the MovingMapUnchecked image.
Public propertyStatic memberMovingMapUnchecked_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the MovingMapUnchecked image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberMovingMapUnchecked_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberNotebook16x16
Gets or sets the Notebook16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberNotebook16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Notebook16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberNotebook16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberOpenSlider
Gets or sets the OpenSlider image.
Public propertyStatic memberOpenSlider_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the OpenSlider image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberOpenSlider_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberRadio16x16
Gets or sets the Radio16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberRadio16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Radio16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberRadio16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberRadio48x48
Gets or sets the Radio48x48 image.
Public propertyStatic memberRadio48x48_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Radio48x48 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberRadio48x48_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberRebroadcast16x16
Gets or sets the Rebroadcast16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberRebroadcast16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Rebroadcast16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberRebroadcast16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberRowHeader
Gets or sets the RowHeader image.
Public propertyStatic memberRowHeader_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the RowHeader image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberRowHeader_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberRowHeaderSelected
Gets or sets the RowHeaderSelected image.
Public propertyStatic memberRowHeaderSelected_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the RowHeaderSelected image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberRowHeaderSelected_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberServer16x16
Gets or sets the Server16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberServer16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Server16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberServer16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberShowList
Gets or sets the ShowList image.
Public propertyStatic memberShowList_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the ShowList image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberShowList_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberSite16x16
Gets or sets the Site16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberSite16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Site16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberSite16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberSmallPlaneNorth
Gets or sets the SmallPlaneNorth image.
Public propertyStatic memberSmallPlaneNorth_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the SmallPlaneNorth image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberSmallPlaneNorth_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberTest16x16
Gets or sets the Test16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberTest16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Test16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberTest16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberTestSquare
Gets or sets the TestSquare image.
Public propertyStatic memberTestSquare_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the TestSquare image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberTestSquare_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberTower
Gets or sets the Tower image.
Public propertyStatic memberTower_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Tower image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberTower_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent_16x16
Gets or sets the Transparent_16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent_16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Transparent_16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent_16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent_25
Gets or sets the Transparent_25 image.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent_25_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Transparent_25 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent_25_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent_50
Gets or sets the Transparent_50 image.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent_50_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Transparent_50 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent_50_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberUser16x16
Gets or sets the User16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberUser16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the User16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberUser16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume0
Gets or sets the Volume0 image.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume0_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Volume0 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume0_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume100
Gets or sets the Volume100 image.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume100_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Volume100 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume100_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume25
Gets or sets the Volume25 image.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume25_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Volume25 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume25_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume50
Gets or sets the Volume50 image.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume50_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Volume50 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume50_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume75
Gets or sets the Volume75 image.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume75_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Volume75 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberVolume75_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberVolumeDown
Gets or sets the VolumeDown image.
Public propertyStatic memberVolumeDown_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the VolumeDown image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberVolumeDown_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberVolumeMute
Gets or sets the VolumeMute image.
Public propertyStatic memberVolumeMute_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the VolumeMute image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberVolumeMute_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberVolumeUp
Gets or sets the VolumeUp image.
Public propertyStatic memberVolumeUp_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the VolumeUp image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberVolumeUp_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberWarningBitmap
Gets or sets the WarningBitmap image.
Public propertyStatic memberWarningBitmap_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the WarningBitmap image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberWarningBitmap_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberWarningIcon
Gets or sets the WarningIcon image.
Public propertyStatic memberWarningIcon_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the WarningIcon image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberWarningIcon_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public propertyStatic memberWizard16x16
Gets or sets the Wizard16x16 image.
Public propertyStatic memberWizard16x16_IsCustom
Gets a value indicating whether the Wizard16x16 image has been customised or not.
Public propertyStatic memberWizard16x16_SyncLock
Gets an object that can be used in a lock() statement on the image to force single-thread access to it while performing some operation on it.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Add16x16
Creates a copy of Add16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ApplicationIcon
Creates a copy of ApplicationIcon. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ArrowBack16x16
Creates a copy of ArrowBack16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ArrowForward16x16
Creates a copy of ArrowForward16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_BlueBall
Creates a copy of BlueBall. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Cancel16x16
Creates a copy of Cancel16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_CancelSmall16x16
Creates a copy of CancelSmall16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ChevronBlueCircle
Creates a copy of ChevronBlueCircle. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ChevronGreenCircle
Creates a copy of ChevronGreenCircle. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ChevronRedCircle
Creates a copy of ChevronRedCircle. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_CloseSlider
Creates a copy of CloseSlider. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Collapse
Creates a copy of Collapse. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Compass
Creates a copy of Compass. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Corner_BottomLeft
Creates a copy of Corner_BottomLeft. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Corner_BottomRight
Creates a copy of Corner_BottomRight. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Corner_TopLeft
Creates a copy of Corner_TopLeft. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Corner_TopRight
Creates a copy of Corner_TopRight. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Crosshair
Creates a copy of Crosshair. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Decoding16x16
Creates a copy of Decoding16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Edit16x16
Creates a copy of Edit16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Expand
Creates a copy of Expand. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Favicon
Creates a copy of Favicon. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_FollowMe
Creates a copy of FollowMe. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Gear16x16
Creates a copy of Gear16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_GotoCurrentLocation
Creates a copy of GotoCurrentLocation. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_HelpAbout
Creates a copy of HelpAbout. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_HideList
Creates a copy of HideList. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPadSplash
Creates a copy of IPadSplash. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneBackButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneBackButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneBlueButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneBlueButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneChevron
Creates a copy of IPhoneChevron. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneGrayButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneGrayButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneIcon
Creates a copy of IPhoneIcon. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneListGroup
Creates a copy of IPhoneListGroup. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneOnOff
Creates a copy of IPhoneOnOff. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhonePinstripes
Creates a copy of IPhonePinstripes. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneSelectedTick
Creates a copy of IPhoneSelectedTick. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneSelection
Creates a copy of IPhoneSelection. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneSplash
Creates a copy of IPhoneSplash. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneToolbar
Creates a copy of IPhoneToolbar. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneToolButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneToolButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneWhiteButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneWhiteButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Location16x16
Creates a copy of Location16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Logo128x128
Creates a copy of Logo128x128. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Marker_Airplane
Creates a copy of Marker_Airplane. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Marker_AirplaneSelected
Creates a copy of Marker_AirplaneSelected. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_MergedFeed16x16
Creates a copy of MergedFeed16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_MovingMapChecked
Creates a copy of MovingMapChecked. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_MovingMapUnchecked
Creates a copy of MovingMapUnchecked. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Notebook16x16
Creates a copy of Notebook16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_OpenSlider
Creates a copy of OpenSlider. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Radio16x16
Creates a copy of Radio16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Radio48x48
Creates a copy of Radio48x48. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Rebroadcast16x16
Creates a copy of Rebroadcast16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_RowHeader
Creates a copy of RowHeader. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_RowHeaderSelected
Creates a copy of RowHeaderSelected. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Server16x16
Creates a copy of Server16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ShowList
Creates a copy of ShowList. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Site16x16
Creates a copy of Site16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_SmallPlaneNorth
Creates a copy of SmallPlaneNorth. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Test16x16
Creates a copy of Test16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_TestSquare
Creates a copy of TestSquare. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Tower
Creates a copy of Tower. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Transparent_16x16
Creates a copy of Transparent_16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Transparent_25
Creates a copy of Transparent_25. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Transparent_50
Creates a copy of Transparent_50. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_User16x16
Creates a copy of User16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume0
Creates a copy of Volume0. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume100
Creates a copy of Volume100. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume25
Creates a copy of Volume25. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume50
Creates a copy of Volume50. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume75
Creates a copy of Volume75. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_VolumeDown
Creates a copy of VolumeDown. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_VolumeMute
Creates a copy of VolumeMute. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_VolumeUp
Creates a copy of VolumeUp. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_WarningBitmap
Creates a copy of WarningBitmap. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_WarningIcon
Creates a copy of WarningIcon. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Wizard16x16
Creates a copy of Wizard16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.

These images are read/write properties. The application never writes to the properties but a plugin that wanted to change the graphics used by the application could do so by assigning new images to the appropriate properties of the class. Care should be taken to allow enough room on images that are rotated by the website and to replace existing images with images of the same dimensions and colour depth.

Assigning null to an image resets it back to the default image.

See Also