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Images Methods

The Images type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClone_Add16x16
Creates a copy of Add16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ApplicationIcon
Creates a copy of ApplicationIcon. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ArrowBack16x16
Creates a copy of ArrowBack16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ArrowForward16x16
Creates a copy of ArrowForward16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_BlueBall
Creates a copy of BlueBall. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Cancel16x16
Creates a copy of Cancel16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_CancelSmall16x16
Creates a copy of CancelSmall16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ChevronBlueCircle
Creates a copy of ChevronBlueCircle. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ChevronGreenCircle
Creates a copy of ChevronGreenCircle. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ChevronRedCircle
Creates a copy of ChevronRedCircle. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_CloseSlider
Creates a copy of CloseSlider. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Collapse
Creates a copy of Collapse. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Compass
Creates a copy of Compass. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Corner_BottomLeft
Creates a copy of Corner_BottomLeft. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Corner_BottomRight
Creates a copy of Corner_BottomRight. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Corner_TopLeft
Creates a copy of Corner_TopLeft. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Corner_TopRight
Creates a copy of Corner_TopRight. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Crosshair
Creates a copy of Crosshair. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Decoding16x16
Creates a copy of Decoding16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Edit16x16
Creates a copy of Edit16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Expand
Creates a copy of Expand. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Favicon
Creates a copy of Favicon. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_FollowMe
Creates a copy of FollowMe. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Gear16x16
Creates a copy of Gear16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_GotoCurrentLocation
Creates a copy of GotoCurrentLocation. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_HelpAbout
Creates a copy of HelpAbout. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_HideList
Creates a copy of HideList. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPadSplash
Creates a copy of IPadSplash. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneBackButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneBackButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneBlueButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneBlueButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneChevron
Creates a copy of IPhoneChevron. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneGrayButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneGrayButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneIcon
Creates a copy of IPhoneIcon. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneListGroup
Creates a copy of IPhoneListGroup. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneOnOff
Creates a copy of IPhoneOnOff. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhonePinstripes
Creates a copy of IPhonePinstripes. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneSelectedTick
Creates a copy of IPhoneSelectedTick. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneSelection
Creates a copy of IPhoneSelection. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneSplash
Creates a copy of IPhoneSplash. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneToolbar
Creates a copy of IPhoneToolbar. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneToolButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneToolButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_IPhoneWhiteButton
Creates a copy of IPhoneWhiteButton. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Location16x16
Creates a copy of Location16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Logo128x128
Creates a copy of Logo128x128. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Marker_Airplane
Creates a copy of Marker_Airplane. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Marker_AirplaneSelected
Creates a copy of Marker_AirplaneSelected. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_MergedFeed16x16
Creates a copy of MergedFeed16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_MovingMapChecked
Creates a copy of MovingMapChecked. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_MovingMapUnchecked
Creates a copy of MovingMapUnchecked. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Notebook16x16
Creates a copy of Notebook16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_OpenSlider
Creates a copy of OpenSlider. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Radio16x16
Creates a copy of Radio16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Radio48x48
Creates a copy of Radio48x48. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Rebroadcast16x16
Creates a copy of Rebroadcast16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_RowHeader
Creates a copy of RowHeader. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_RowHeaderSelected
Creates a copy of RowHeaderSelected. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Server16x16
Creates a copy of Server16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_ShowList
Creates a copy of ShowList. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Site16x16
Creates a copy of Site16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_SmallPlaneNorth
Creates a copy of SmallPlaneNorth. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Test16x16
Creates a copy of Test16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_TestSquare
Creates a copy of TestSquare. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Tower
Creates a copy of Tower. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Transparent_16x16
Creates a copy of Transparent_16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Transparent_25
Creates a copy of Transparent_25. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Transparent_50
Creates a copy of Transparent_50. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_User16x16
Creates a copy of User16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume0
Creates a copy of Volume0. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume100
Creates a copy of Volume100. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume25
Creates a copy of Volume25. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume50
Creates a copy of Volume50. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Volume75
Creates a copy of Volume75. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_VolumeDown
Creates a copy of VolumeDown. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_VolumeMute
Creates a copy of VolumeMute. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_VolumeUp
Creates a copy of VolumeUp. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_WarningBitmap
Creates a copy of WarningBitmap. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_WarningIcon
Creates a copy of WarningIcon. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
Public methodStatic memberClone_Wizard16x16
Creates a copy of Wizard16x16. Despite the name this does not use Clone, it creates a fresh copy.
See Also