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IWebAdminViewManager Interface
The interface that objects which handle collections of WebAdminViews must implement.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.WebSite
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IWebAdminViewManager : ISingleton<IWebAdminViewManager>

The IWebAdminViewManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertySingleton
Gets the single instance of the class that should be used throughout the application.
(Inherited from ISingletonT.)
Public propertyWebAdminPluginInstalled
Returns true if the web admin plugin has been installed.
Public methodAddWebAdminView
Registers a view with the web admin site. The view's folder must previously have been registered with a call to RegisterWebAdminViewFolder(String, String).
Public methodRegisterTemplateFileName
Registers a template marker and the file that contains the HTML that should be subtituted in its place when seen within a web admin HTML file.
Public methodRegisterTranslations
Registers a string resources file that should be made available to JavaScript. It can be loaded via the URL WebAdmin/Script/Strings.<namespace>.js. Do not use the namespace Server, that is used by the plugin to expose the VRS's strings. Strings.js loads the web site strings and a Globalize object for the server's language.
Public methodRegisterWebAdminViewFolder
Registers a folder with web admin view HTML files on behalf of a plugin.
See Also