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IWebAdminViewManager Methods

The IWebAdminViewManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddWebAdminView
Registers a view with the web admin site. The view's folder must previously have been registered with a call to RegisterWebAdminViewFolder(String, String).
Public methodRegisterTemplateFileName
Registers a template marker and the file that contains the HTML that should be subtituted in its place when seen within a web admin HTML file.
Public methodRegisterTranslations
Registers a string resources file that should be made available to JavaScript. It can be loaded via the URL WebAdmin/Script/Strings.<namespace>.js. Do not use the namespace Server, that is used by the plugin to expose the VRS's strings. Strings.js loads the web site strings and a Globalize object for the server's language.
Public methodRegisterWebAdminViewFolder
Registers a folder with web admin view HTML files on behalf of a plugin.
See Also