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TargetStateAndStatusVersion2 Properties

The TargetStateAndStatusVersion2 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBarometricPressureSetting
Gets or sets the barometric pressure setting.
Public propertyIsAltitudeHoldActive
Gets or sets a value indicating that the autopilot's altitude hold mode is active.
Public propertyIsApproachModeActive
Gets or sets a value indicating that the autopilot's approach mode is active.
Public propertyIsAutopilotEngaged
Gets or sets a value indicating that the autopilot is flying the aircraft.
Public propertyIsLnavEngaged
Gets or sets a value indicating that the autopilot's lateral navigation mode is active.
Public propertyIsRebroadcast
Gets or sets a value indicating that the message has been rebroadcast by a ground link.
Public propertyIsTcasOperational
Gets or sets a value indicating that the TCAS/ACAS system is operational.
Public propertyIsVnavEngaged
Gets or sets a value indicating that the autopilot's vertical navigation mode is active.
Public propertyNacP
Gets or sets the navigational accuracy category for position.
Public propertyNicBaro
Gets or sets a value indicating the integrity category for barometric altitudes.
Public propertySelectedAltitude
Gets or sets the autopilot / FMS selected altitude in feet.
Public propertySelectedAltitudeIsFms
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SelectedAltitude is derived from the Flight Management System (true) or the autopilot Mode Control Panel / Flight Control Unit (false).
Public propertySelectedHeading
Gets or sets the autopilot / FMS selected heading in degrees.
Public propertySil
Gets or sets a value indicating the probability of exceeding the NIC containment radius.
Public propertySilSupplement
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the reporting SIL probability is based on a per-sample (true) or per-hour (false) probability.
See Also